Saturday, July 11, 2009

Photoshop Class Day 5

I had such a busy day yesterday! I spent over 11 hours at work and was wiped out when I got home. So, I took yesterday's photoshop class this morning. (Aren't online self-paced classes great? :o)

Today's class is on textures. This is a totally new technique for me! It's a beautiful look for the right photo. I can't see using this technique on anything except landscapes.

This is a scan of a photo that we took on our honeymoon in New Zealand. The road was completely clogged with sheep, lol!

Well, I missed my Friday-5 for the second week in a row... bad me... I'm going to go through my cruise photos and make it a Saturday-5... Maybe.

NOTE: Adding Texture
Make photo black and white
Open texture 2, brown-paper-texture, subtlegrunge5
(Best blending layers to use soft light, overlay or multiply)
Soft light is lightest.
Overlay is medium.
Multiply is darkest.
Group with photo and set all texture layers to soft light.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Photoshop Class Day 4

Today's lesson is on clipping masks. I'm so glad that this was covered because I use this all the time in my old Photoshop program! Using a clipping mask you can reroute the edge of a photo. In this case, we used a grungy edge:

I took this photo on our trip to the Catalina Botanical Gardens. I didn't know if my friend Mary had ever seen a prickly pear cactus. I love how beautiful and lacy they are! They have beautiful yellow flowers too... these are just ready to burst into bloom!

NOTE: Clipping Mask
Mask layer goes under the photo layer.
Hold ALT key and click on line between the two layers. Right click to group.

Copic Candy

I wanted to share about a blog giving away some stamps and copics. This lady is a great copic artist and I've been stalking her blog for a few weeks now. Go check it out and become a blog follower!

Chrissy's Art and Heart

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Photoshop Class Day 3

Today's lesson was on adjustment layers and blending modes. We used them to create a vintage look photo. Here is my original photo.

Here is my photo after it was adjusted, blended, cropped, and embellished with a frame and some brushes. I think the reason I didn't get a real good washed out vintage look because the colors on this photo are too bright, but I think the look is interesting. What I was really anxious to use was the red-eye fixer! It was so easy! I don't know how I lived without out it!

NOTE: Vintage Hand Tinted Look
Use Hue/Saturation layer (1) (half white/black circle). Set saturation to 50-60.

Use Hue/Saturation layer (2) again. Click colorize checkbox. Set hue to 35. Set saturation 20.

Set blending mode to Hue/Saturation layer (2) to soft light.

Hand tint photo, add rose on cheeks. Add a new layer. Select a soft edge brush. Select pink cd5a5a. Paint. Set blending mode to soft light. Reduce opacity to 45.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Photoshop Class Day 2

It's day 2 of my two week Photoshop class. Today's lesson was on how to use brushes (which means I can do frames and word art in the color of my chosing). Here is my homework for the day!

This class is perfect for my busy life... Watching the video and finishing up my homework took me less than half and hour. It's FUN too!!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Photoshop Class Day 1

I signed up for that free Photoshop Class that I posted about HERE. I have Photoshop Elements (PSE), but I don't use it because it's just different enough from Photoshop 7.0 to frustrate me! I'm hoping that this class will get me up and using PSE in a couple weeks.

I just finished my first class today and here is my homework from Lesson 1: A photo with a frame and word art!

This is a photo from Kona a couple of summers ago:

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Weekend Sports report

This is the last game of Chris's soccer career. The game has gotten rougher and rougher as he's gotten older... checkout out a snip of the game this weekend by clicking on the image below:

He hurts where landed on his hip, and I'm sure he's going to be sore tomorrow. That's the hardest take down I've seen him take.

He came out of the game right after that. I wanted to check on him. But, Cheryl said it's uncool to have your mommy checking on you. Jim and Papa checked if he was okay. He was... in fact he was okay enough to go back in after a short rest. The tournament this weekend was a disaster... Three losses this weekend, 0-1, 0-5, and 0-1. With the red card in the first game, that left the team with -3 points as their weekend total.

As I said, that was Chris's last game. He's decided to give up AYSO to concentrate on his running. He wants an alternate Varsity spot at CIF this year (assuming that the school makes CIF again this year)... Good luck with the running training, Chris!

Friday, June 26, 2009


It's a wonderful Friday! The start of a week of vacation. We leave for Mexico on Monday for FIVE days of fun in the sun! Can you guess what next week's Friday-5 will be on? hehehe....

Today's FIVE are five photos of flowers growing in my yard:

This first one is the hanging pot in my front yard. YES, I finally replanted that pot (to the neighbor's relief, lol!), and it's coming in nicely!

The day lilies that I transplanted last fall are blooming GREAT!

I love the hyacinths this time of year! All winter they look like dead sticks, but they really put on a show in the spring and all through summer.

Not the greatest photo. I love the colors in these columbine!

Look Mom! The orchid you gave me is blooming! The first orchid that I didn't kill. Mom was right, they are indestructible!

Thanks for checking out my FIVE!
Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

PTI June Blog Hop

Welcome Blog Hoppers! The engineering company that I work for has contracts with most of the world's airline companies. As a result our building is decorated with airline travel posters. This is a United Airline poster for Hawaii. The unusual color combo always catches my eye when I walk by it.

I just knew I wanted to try and use those colors together! Here is a Father's Day card that I created using Fancy pants patterned paper and the Star Prints stamp set from PTI.

Put it together with a pretty homemade box and it made a very nice gift for my dad... Happy Papa Day!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

A little Father's Day fun

Not only was it Father's Day today, but we also celebrated my niece's birthday and her 8th grade graduation. She's getting old so fast! She's starting high school in the fall at the same school that I went to for high school. Yep, the old alma mater is still standing... I think it should have reached historical building status by now. LOL!

Here is the promised video of my nephew taking a dip in the pool. Click on the image below to bring up the video.

As you can see he had a little help from his dad and his uncle. He's such a good sport!

Happy Father's Day everyone!

Happy Father's Day!

I want to wish a Happy Father's day to the special dads in my life...

my dad:

and my kids' dad:

Happy Father's day to all the special Dads out there!!!