I DID IT! I officially started my "Book of Me." I'm going to use the letters of the alphabet as prompts to journal about me for an entire year. By then you'll be really tired of hearing about me, lol! I decided to do this as digital pages and print the whole thing out as a 5x7 Shutterfly book when I'm done.
Here are my first two pages... A and B!
Anxious, Things that make meDriving. It's not so much that I don't like to drive, it's that I don't like to try and be somewhere on time. I always add half an hour and still there is a fear that I'll get lost or that I'll hit traffic. I don’t like to be late. I try working backward. Okay, I need to be there at 9am. That means I should arrive at 8:45 to leave time for parking. That means I need to leave the house by 8am-- no, play it safe, there could be a lot of traffic say 7:30. That means I need to get up at 6:45; that gives me 45 minutes to get ready. I'll immediately repeat the whole internal dialogue-calculations, see if I come up with the same time estimates. I'll do this at least a couple more times before I leave, one of the times being at night when I set my alarm clock and check at least twice that it's set to AM instead of PM. Thank goodness for Garmin. Garmin and its annoying female voice make me less worried I’ll get lost.
Flying. Again like driving but with even more variables. Being at the airport two hours early, airport traffic, long term parking, van ride, locating the right terminal, ticketing, baggage check, security, and finding the gate!
BirthdayI like my birthday. The actual date, November 25, falls right around Thanksgiving. Yes, I'm a turkey. I don't like a big fuss made about my birthday. We've been combining my birthday with Thanksgiving forever, and I like it that way. Typical birthday dinner: turkey and cake!
Busy... How are you? busy. How's work? busy. How was your week? busy.
BloggingTelling the story of my life! Staying connected with family and friends all over the country! I started blogging in 2007 to share ideas with other scrapbookers on the web. But there is more to my life than just scrapbooking. I find that I’m a creative person with something to say. Truthfully, I blog for me... because it keeps me connected to my life.