Sunday, April 22, 2012

Color Run

We thought we were going to have another 90F day, but it stayed cool and overcast... perfect for running!!! The Color Run is our 4th race in our 12 races in 2012 series. Here we are before the race, in the mandatory white T-shirt before the race starts:
There were over 12,000 people running this race! It was HUGE! We started in the 4th wave...
Here we GO! We quickly moved out front of the runners in our wave...
There were 4 color stations... yellow, green, blue, pink. Here's a view of the yellow station from afar:
Here is the pink station close up! LOL!
No, we weren't in that picture. Jim had a hard time picking us out of the 12,000 other people wearing white t-shirts, black shorts, sunglasses, and splattered with paint, lol! Oh wait! Here we are coming into the the finish line!
And here is us after the rainbow of finish line festivities.
Here are a couple of close ups of the new colorful US! Here's Chris. Doesn't he look like he had a GREAT time?
And here's Cheryl. She was so excited about this race that she had trouble sleeping last night! In this picture she thinks that she looks like the Luigi character from Nintendo...
And here we have Jim! He was careful NOT to wear a white shirt. He was so sweet to come out into the madness and take pictures. And for his trouble he now has pink boots.
Color was unavoidable! It was everywhere! From the tops of our heads...
All the way down to our toes...
And everywhere in between, and I mean EVERYWHERE! No place was safe from color!
You are probably wondering about clean-up. It wasn't bad at all... the green was the hardest color to get off. Cheryl had a little panic trying to remove her green mustache. BUT, not worry... Cheryl is now mustache free. This was such a FUN run. Lots of families were running/walking together. I'd recommend this race for a wild time. Here is the website so you can find a Color Run in your area:

Let me leave you with a 4 second video of the finish line... Yes, we are in there somewhere!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Card Kit Club - April edition

It's the most wonderful time of the month! It's card kit time! This month it was Mary's turn to put together the kit. Look at all this goodness... hand crochet flowers, lace, twine, tulle, fun stamps, and lots of gorgeous PP!

Here is my first card. I just couldn't resist all the pretty paper, so I used it all! Mary sent us some Unity Stamp images. I just LOVE that bicycle.

And look at those flowers! I made a matching envelope for the card before realizing that the card will never fit in there, lol!

Here is my second card... Again I used multiple sheets of the PP, and another Unity stamp. I just love how the colors all go together!

My last project, believe it or not, is a Christmas tag. I'm making one Christmas tag a month to make sure that I have enough to go around when Christmas gets here. Mary sent us a large tag die-cut and a little glassine envelope which were PERFECT. I put them together with some of the cute trims from the kit.

I added a mat board ornament to the pocket made with one of my favorite Christmas stamps by Paula Best.

Thanks for stopping by, now go checkout the inspiration and creative genius of the other ladies in the group!


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sunny Sunday!

The morning started with a 17 mile run. You heard that right! Cheryl and I ran 17 miles this morning! She's following a half-marathon training plan and that is the last long run before the OC Half Marathon. She's ready, and she's going to do GREAT.

Jim got new tires for my bike and is taking it out for a test spin. He's trying to teach Jena to heel to the bike, and only being marginally successful.

YAHOO! New tires! I may take this to work a couple days a week during the summer.

This was supposed to be a picture of Jena, but the camera decided to focus on my roses. Well, I'm going to take a hint from the camera and enjoy our Spring day while the sunshine lasts!

I hope that everyone had a GREAT weekend!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Rainy Day...

On Monday, I was wearing a tank top... by Wednesday, I was wearing long sleeve sweater... by Friday, we were water logged! It's RAINING! And with similarity to gloomy skies, I've change the blog look temprarily.

Jena, didn't you hear?!! It's raining!

Looks like the gutters need cleaning out. Look at the water pour off the roof!

It's so funny to see Jena discover new things... like our new water feature. Think Jim would make this mini-waterfall permanent? It makes our front yard look very tropical, lol!

Once Jena figures out the water won't hurt her, she goes on the attack. Get that water, Jena!

Oh, Jena! What a mess!

I'm wishing everyone clean puppy days, and the return of sunny skies!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Day

I know that I already posted an Easter post; but since I've been lax at the blogging the last couple of weeks, I decided to post another... with more pictures :oD

Here is the Egg Hunting crew! But where are my kids, you ask?

Well, both of my kids have graduated from egg hunters to egg hiders. Here's Chris with an empty basket... what a good egg hider he is!

And here's my pretty girl!

Wait a minute! What is Chris doing with all that candy? Chris, you were supposed to hide those candy bars! lol!

We had a GREAT Easter visiting with family. I hope you all had a GREAT Easter too!

Happy Easter

I saw this gift jar made up last year and tucked it away in my memory to make up for this year. Of course as I've gotten older, things that I have tucked away have a way of getting lost. So thanks to my friend Beth, I've been reminded of this fun jar and made it up this year for my niece to make for her family.

I lifted these directions from my friend, Mara, who also got carried away in the Peep jar madness, lol!

I started with a wide mouth quart sized mason jar. And then added the ingredients in layers:

Bottom: 1 sleeve of crushed graham crackers
Middle: 8 peep bunnies around the jar in a ring. Add 1/3 - 1/2 cup brown sugar to fill the hole in between the peeps. Pack down tight!
Top with: 1 1/4 cups Easter M&M's. Pack down.

That's it! So easy and so FUN! I added a tag with the baking directions:

1. Dump contents of jar into a bowl.
2. Snip peeps into small pieces
3. Melt 1/2 cup butter. Add butter + 1 tsp vanilla to bowl. Mix all ingredients well.
4. Press ingredients into an 8 inch square pan.
5. Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes.
6. Cut into squares and eat!

There you have it...Peeps In A Jar! I'm going to ask my niece take a picture when she bakes these. Even though I've found lots of recipes for this jar, I didn't find a single picture of what they look like baked.

Happy Easter! I hope you all enjoy family and friends as you celebrate the miracle of the day!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Coaster Run 10K

This is our 3rd race in our "12 in 2012" challenge. The Coaster Run was sold out, and was even delayed a bit because participants got stuck in traffic getting into the parking lot. It was 52F at the start... the announcer guy was not a popular person when he announced the delay.

We started in the first corral, or as Cheryl says, "The first trough." We all did really well!!!

Cheryl finished 7th out of 44 in her age group.
Her time: 56:13, pace: 9:04

Chris finished 3rd out of 20 in his age group.
His time: 48:46, pace: 7:52

I finished 1st out of 31 in my age group.
My time: 52:09, pace: 8:25

So, if we had known, Chris and I would have gotten prizes at the awards ceremony. One of these times we'll have to stick around to see what we win!

PTI Blog Hop

I couldn't resist the gorgeous colors in the PTI blog hop color challenge. Here's my card made with the Modern Basics stamp set:

Friday, March 23, 2012

Costa Rica Birthday - part 3

Happy 19th Birthday, Chris!

Jim and Chris celebrated at the beach. This is called Playa Palo Seco. Miles and miles of empty beach, just for them and the birds...

Hmmm... not exactly the type of birds you'd expect to find at the beach. Vultures? Really?

Lita's mom, Rosa, told them over and over to be careful at this beach... don't stop if anyone flags you down, don't talk to anyone. Jim was calling this the Beach of Death. Doesn't that vulture set the perfect ambiance? lol!

Turns out they had the beach to themselves. It is a beautiful beach!

Chris's birthday dinner was a big family affair at the restaurant!

Chris had a very special birthday dinner!

Doesn't it look yummy? Chris LOVES fish!!!

And look at this cake! Chris said it was the best cake he ever had! Thalita made it and it had three layers filled with cream! YUM!!!

Happy Birthday Big Guy!!!

BTW, Chris is looking over my shoulder and he said, "That cake was so GOOD!"

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Costa Rica - part 2

Well, with Jim and Chris's pictures all mixed up it's hard to tell, but I think this is day 2. They took a trip out to Manuel Antonio National Park.

Oh, give me a home where the monkeys roam... The monkeys were not behind glass like a zoo. They were up in the trees doing monkey things.

There were also scarlet macaws...

Hmm... whatever that is... It kind of reminds me of a raccoon.

You know how we sometimes get lizards in the house? How would you like one of these in the house? "Oh, no, Mr. Lizard!" lol!

So who went on this jungle safari? Chris and Lita of course...

Lita's younger brother, Eric... looking COOL, Eric!

... And their fearless leader, Jim!

The BEST place to stay in Costa Rica

I realized that I didn't post the name of the restaurant and hotel. After all, someone might come by the blog looking for a NICE inexpensive place to stay near Jaco, for only $25 a night, and a 5 minute walk from a GREAT restaurant!

Here it is. The Cabinas Calova in Parrita, Costa Rica...

Here is the restaurant. Don Camilo in Parrita, Costa Rica. AND a plus for you travellers... they speak English!