Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Season Ends, and Dimensional Details week 5

Track season is over... Chris qualified for CIF Preliminaries as a Varsity runner this year! YAHOO for Chris! Runners are numbered with their regional ranking. There were two heats in the Varsity 800m, 15 boys in each heat. Chris was wearing #14. He tied his PR at 2:14, but that wasn't good enough to qualify for CIF Finals. He LOVES running the 800m and wants to do it again next year!

I'll finish off this post with a layout share. The photos are from last Fall (Cross Country Season):

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Week 4: Dimensional Details

This week's project involves paint, ink, and sanding. I sanded the edges of my photo and painted on the background behind the photos to make them POP! TFL!!!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Strike is Over...

... and boy is Chris bummed! lol!

We got a call at 7am this morning and was told the strike was over. From what I hear, the HS students were called starting at 5am. Kids were grumpy that they got called so early. Chris said some of his friends stayed up late last night because they thought the strike was still on. I'm glad we were already up and getting ready to go to school, or else we would have had to scramble to ready to be there on time. Chris said another one of his friends didn't get the call until after he left his house this morning. He had to go back to his house, get his books and go to school... real bummer for him! A lot of other kids didn't make it because their parents had already left for work when the call came in.

One of the kids in English class asked the teacher, "Did you get everything you wanted?" The teacher said, "No..." The student exclaimed, "Then what are you doing here? Get back out there and strike!" All the kids cheered in agreement, lol!

It's back to normal routine now. Oh, and track meet tomorrow!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Teacher Strike - Day 3

Since Jim was off work last week, this was my first day at the High School since the strike started. The teachers looked like they were having a party. We passed three teachers walking up the hill to the High School carrying 15 pink boxes of donuts, lol!

Chris's English teacher assigned an extra credit project when the strike started, so Chris took some poster board to school and worked on his project today. They also did a packet on how to buy a house... oh, and they did yoga. They combined another class in with Chris's class today, so they had 15 or so kids.

The boys tried to do a track workout after class. The security guard wouldn't let them on the track, so they ran over to the college and worked out there until the college threw them out. After that they snuck back to the High School and finished the workout there.

Tomorrow, we don't know if there is strike or not... We were instructed to check the web site in the morning.

I have a photo for today and I'll add it to the post (when I can find my cable).

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Week 3: Dimensional Details - April PTI Blog Hop

Welcome PTI Blog Hoppers! This month we were asked to use tissue. What a coincidence that we had a sewing project going on... We made the romper my daughter is wearing in the photo. I used left over fabric from the romper on this layout and added used the excess pattern tissue as flowers and part of the background.

I glued the pattern tissue to white cardstock using a glue stick. The tissue flowers was an idea I got from Split Coast Stampers. The flowers were blending into the background more than I wanted, so I added an outline on each layer.

Thanks for looking and Happy Hopping!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Teacher Strike Day 2 and a card share

Chris said there were only 4 kids in his class Friday. They did other "enrichment activities" like a personality test, healthly living test, and a "how to buy a used car." Chris's personality test said that he is, "romantic, idealistic, sociable,and talkative." Romantic and idealistic I can see, but Talkative? lol! His day ended with... you guessed it... yoga! Chris actually likes it. He said that the other classes have to play board games.

I didn't realize that the substitues aren't allowed to teach academics during the strike! If the strike continues on Monday, the kids are required to bring their books to class and study for finals. They have to study independently, because a group of kids studying together is considered an organized school activity, which is not allowed during the strike. Only 250 kids showed up to school on Friday. If they want the kids to bring their books and study "independently," I wonder how many kids will show up for that...

Well, on to my card share... I punched and stamped a bunch of these orange stars for my friend Mary. I had a few "flubs" leftover. Here is a card made with one of my flubbed stars.

I hope everyone is having a great weekend.
Stay tuned for a scrappy share tomorrow!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Teacher Strike - Day 1

The teachers are on strike. The kids were supposed to go to school and be provided with "enrichment activities." Guess what Chris's "enrichment activity" was at school... go on guess...

They split the kids up alphabetically by grade. All the Junior M's were in Chris's class (which had 10 kids)... only about 500 out of the almost 3000 kids showed up at school today. Chris said his class was medium sized... the Junior N's only had 3 kids.

So Chris and Phil, went to their assigned class... Chris peeks in the door at the substitute and tells Phil, "OMGosh! Our teacher looks like a drug dealer!" Phil says, "No, Way." He looks in and says, "No, Our teacher looks like Jesus!" Chris said their teacher was the talk of the school, everyone wanted to see the teacher who looks like Jesus.

Chris and Phil's teacher is a substitute Yoga teacher, so you guessed it! Chris and Phil's "enrichment activity" of the day was four hours of yoga!

After school the long distance track team (just the kids) got together for a run. They got caught by a security guard, who said they couldn't run together on the school grounds, because it would look like a school sanctioned activity. So, they all went across the street to the college to run.

I just got a call... the strike continues tomorrow. Stay tuned for day 2...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

No more stinky shoes...

I have a non-scrappy crafty share! Chris has been complaining that he doesn't like putting his cross country bag in his school locker because it smells so bad... If a 17yr old boy says it smells bad, you can bet it smells REALLY BAD! My mom found an article and my dad forwarded it on to us. It had instructions on how to make shoe deodorizers. All I did was dump some kitty litter in a pair of socks and sew the tops closed. Then, he just slips these babies in his shoes after practice. Believe it or not it works!!! I asked him if he's shown this idea to his running buddies. He said that he would, but they're PINK! ooops...

I was remiss in reporting on last week's track meet... it was very very forgettable. The meet was against the #1 track team in Orange County. Track scores 5 points for 1st, 3 points for 2nd, and 1 pt for 3rd. There are 10 running events, 4 jumping events, plus shot put and discus. Capo came home with only 16 points. Needless to say, they lost...

Chris ran in the Varsity 800m again and finished in 1.16. It was last place for Capo, BUT he was not last place overall! WHOOHOO!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A Couple Cards to Share

I had another one of those days where what I saw in my head was nicer than what I ended up with. I made a couple of guy cards up for an online challenge using left over PP from the Pink Paislee Fetching line. The smaller card is sized to be a gift card holder. Neither came out as nice as I would have liked...

Monday, April 12, 2010

Week 2: Dimensional Details (BONUS)

This first photo doesn't have anything to do with the scrapping class.... I just wanted to share. I had two coupons for Joann's. Cheryl was too busy studying to go with me, so I got Jim to come (two coupons needs two people)! As we were walking around I saw this little garden ornament and it made me laugh, so Jim bought it for me! Isn't that sweet? Love you, Jim!

On to Dimensional Details Bonus Day! I can not believe that I actually finished a bonus project... and I made four tags instead of just one! I had a great time making these, there was no way to get it wrong!

Start with white cardstock and stamp a background image with white acrylic paint. When the paint dries it resists the ink. Rub, daub, smudge with ink (I used Ranger Distress and some cats eye chalk). Then stamp an image in black on top of it, and it's done! It was fun to get messy with paint and ink and very fun to make!

How to Make a Brad Bracelet

I was asked by some online friend for directions on how to make the brad bracelets that I posted back in February. They are light weight, comfortable to wear, pretty, and super easy to make.

Start with some chain... I got a card of this chain from Michael's. There was about 4' of chain; enough for 5-6 bracelets.

Cut a length of chain big enough for a bracelet (Mine are 13-15 links long) and use a couple of jump rings to add a clasp.

Gather two flower charms (use wire cutters to carefully snip off the loop and file it smooth), a couple of small brads, an three large decorative brads (only one pictured). I purchased a package of Basic Grey brads and it contained everything I needed. They have them in the CP store HERE. There are enough brads in one package to make 4 braceletes.

I found the flower charms on eBay by searching for "silver flower charms." There are lots of different styles to chose from.

Thread the small brads through the charms and through a bracelt loop.

The tines of the brads are soft and easy to work with. Use needle nose pliers to wrap the tine around the loop and tuck it under.

Now do the same with the big brads. The tines on the big brads are longer. Trim them shorter with wire cutters before wrapping them around the loop.

And that's it... so easy!