Thursday, July 16, 2009

Photoshop Class Day 11

Today we learned how to use layer masks to mask off colored areas of a photo. I've done this before, but I used a duplicate layer and erased the areas I wanted colored. The teacher said that this works much better because it's easier to fix mistakes. I don't think that's true... with the undo key, I can fix ANYTHING! LOL!

I took this photo of my daughter and my niece last summer. They are showing off a few mountain apples that grow in Kauai.

Hue/Saturation layer - hue:35 saturation:5
Paint black on the Hue/Saturation layer to show the color underneath.
Add punch to a B&W photo - Add a levels adjustment layer and move sliders. move left slider to right, move center slider to left, move right slider to left.


  1. I love this! I think i'm getting photoshop this weekend. I know i've been saying that but it's on sale at Costco...i can't wait!!!

    And thanks so much for your sweet comments always on my blog. You totally make my day and I really appreciate your cyber friendship! I really hope we can meet up someday!!

  2. I remember this photo from last year. I LOVE this look!

  3. I LOVE this Joni!! What a GREAT photo.. and GREAT altering!!!!
