Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012 Word of the Year - GO

I want to get motivated to get more things done this year! I want to enJOY my days (my word from last 2011). So the word I picked for this year is "GO"!!!

I get a feeling of excitement and anticipation before a race. That is the feeling that I want to have each and every day when I wake up. Then "ready, set, GO!" The horn goes, off and I take off running! I want to run into my day with that spurt of energy and sense of purpose. Then at the end of the day, like the end of a race, I want that great feeling of accomplishment! So I am GOing and starting the year off with a BANG! Happy New Year to EVERYONE!

Below are my past year words and a few of my other favorite ATCs:


  1. Joni I LOVE this! I would also love to see a picture of all your ATCs on the ring. Thanks for sharing and I hope you have a great day and a wonderful year GOing!!!

  2. LOVE the video! You do have some amazing ATCs.

  3. Love those ATCs!! So much art can fit into such a small space. A great reminder of your goals too!

  4. LOVE it Joni!! I LOVE the ATC! So FUN!!! Wishing you and your family a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

  5. My favorites are the beyond the sea and fin- tastic! They are all great!
